Monday 25 July 2011

The Tass: 1 High St, Old Town, Edinburgh

The Royal Mile is littered with ‘tourist’ bars but Tass is one of the better ones. This bar offers folk music, a decent pint and even the opportunity of a free drink. Indeed, the barmaid had poured someone the wrong type of rum so offered it to my mate for free! We were drinking the house ale called Tass 80/- (shillings), a good pint which I would recommend to fans of Belhaven Best! On the wall among other things is a large copy of the Declaration of Arbroath (which American tourists might like to note was apparently the model for their own Declaration of Independence).
I very much enjoyed my visit to this bar, my only complaints were that it shut before 1am on a Saturday night and the hand drier in the Gents was worse than useless. These are minor issues however, which certainly wouldn’t prevent me visiting again.     
Fiddle de dee, fiddle de da!

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