Sunday 10 July 2011

The Conan Doyle: 71-73 York Place, Edinburgh

You may have read my previous review of the Conan Doyle on my previous pub review site. If not now is your chance! Click here to read it.
What I used to like about this pub was that it was cheap and they did good food (I believe the Sausage and Mash had actually won awards). While you still get a good scran in this pub the beer costs have rocketed. It cost me £7.55 for a pint of Guinness and a pint of Stella Black. As with many cheap pubs that turn expensive, this pub has had a refit. What used to be a dingy cheap pub is now a nicely furnished but expensive one.
They certainly play the Sherlock Holmes card, with a big display about author Arthur Conan Doyle and his most famous creation by the front window (due to this pub lying close to where Conan Doyle was born) . However, if you are a fan of his work I’d suggest buying a book of his literature and reading it in a different, cheaper pub.

Too Expensive? It's elementary my dear Watson!

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