Sunday 15 January 2012

The Black Bull: 12 Grassmarket, Edinburgh

The Black Bull has the potential to be a reasonable bar. It has some interesting bottled beers behind the bar and also has plenty of TVs to watch the sport, including a couple of small tellys behind the bar so that you don’t miss a minute of the action while you wait for a pint.

The problem though is twofold;

1.       The layout of the bar: the layout is awkward. There are mainly small areas of no more than a few seats facing a TV screen, so if you want to watch the sport with several mates you either need to rearrange the furniture or head elsewhere.

2.       The location: what’s the best way of describing Grassmarket on a Friday and Saturday night? A warzone? Well unfortunately the Black Bull attracts many of the Stag and Hen nights and other assorted characters that tend to frequent the Grassmarket area.

Having said this, the Black Bull is a good place to get a cheap student pint, so maybe it’s not all bad!
Grassmarket on a Saturday night! (Please note this picture may have been taken a few years ago)

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