Sunday 20 March 2011

Maybury Casino: 1-5 S Maybury, Edinburgh

I really don’t understand what has happened to this place. I’m not a gambler, I’m a drinker, so I’ll let someone else review the poker tournaments, but a few years ago the Maybury Casino would be a safe bet for a decent night out in Corstorphine even if you weren’t gambling. You could expect the Maybury to provide; regular free buffet banquets, Andy Chung as the headline act at Chinese New Year, bottles of Tsingtao beer for £1 and the chance of winning an Alba telly in raffles! Now there seems to be less and less banquets and raffles, Tsingtao is no longer £1 and they have even replaced Belhaven Best with Tenant’s Special – a very poor bet indeed! A loyal patron of the Maybury told me he ordered a steak in the restaurant and it arrived with half of it missing. The waiter laughed and walked away. Las Vegas the Maybury aint!
Alba telly 1st prize in the raffle!

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